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New Member
Let me first start of by saying that I loved Eragon. I know it reminds you of LOTR, but I think thats good. Next let me say that I loved his next book even more. I just finished it last night and already can't wait fore the next one to come out. I read the last 200 pages in one day. I just couldn't put it down.
I loved this book too...can't wait for the movie :)

yeah I know it's cliche fantasy but so what? it was fun to read! :p

btw..new here so hi to all :D
mehastings said:
After the sucess of Harry Potter I suppose you'd have to assume there's a movie coming.
True, I guess you can't be surprised about any book turning into a movie these days: LOTR, HP, DaVinci Code, In Her Shoes, War of the Worlds, Narnia..... and on and on and on!
pacersrule121 said:
Let me first start of by saying that I loved Eragon. I know it reminds you of LOTR, but I think thats good. Next let me say that I loved his next book even more. I just finished it last night and already can't wait fore the next one to come out. I read the last 200 pages in one day. I just couldn't put it down.

Not LOTR, try Star Wars.

One of the things I noticed in the second book was the political correctness that oozed from many of the chapters. I hope he grows out of it.
I think that he won't it is probably supose to be a sign that he is maturing and growing to understand the gravity of his actions. In the beginning he seemed much funner though, but really it was carelessness and ignorance due to him being naive of the situation.

Definately star wars though instead of "I am your father" we have "I am your brother..."