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Romance isn't dead, we're just getting older...
I can relate to that! :sad:
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Romance isn't dead, we're just getting older...
Eyes... I reckon for a guy to remember the colour of a girl's eyes it takes at least five dates.
Shrek and I met over a sandwich counter, turns out he made the bread we used for our sandwiches. He kept hanging around every day when he got off work, pretty soon we were going home together. Took us four years to decide we wanted it to be permanent. We've been together for 31 years, married for 27. We still hold hands when we walk down the street. You can see by our names that we prefer the ogre aspect of our looks and personalities.
All this time I thought Shrek was your cat :lol:
All this time I thought Shrek was your cat :lol:
Princess F: Took a while for the penny to drop for me with your Avatar, Princess Fiona being Shrek's love interest. Duh! Watched Shrek many times with my grandson, really quite liked it. Also liked Nemo and Toy Story. Some of these are more interesting and clever than what's on telly these days.
: I see you are very observant.
Just be truthful on the 'inside' and express your preferences on the 'outside' passionately without showing hatred towards what others prefer on the 'outside'
Hmm, sounds good in theory but in practice I feel preferences are often expressed in quite colourful terms up to and including hatred, well maybe not hatred but certainly nausea...
Do you feel nausea when looking at some people or just a violent dislike? Not a people person?![]()