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Shade said:Yes, good work SFG. There should be more encouragement of joint reads like this (outside the Book Group, I mean).
Now: the Fitzgerald I've never been able to finish is Tender is the Night. You wouldn't mind reading that one for me next?
Samerron said:I have read the book a time ago and have watched the movie afterwards. I have no trouble reading it again especially with SFG’s enthusiasm. After all it’s a very influential book in it’s themes. I haven’t read other books for Fitzgerald. Are they as good as the Great Gatsby?
Stewart, did you ever get around to it?
Er, no. But, he's getting plugged all the way through Richard Yates' biography, A Tragic Honesty, that I'm certainly going to have to delve in at some point soon.
And also fully describes early 20th century American upper class idiocy with wit and depth.
So he gets points for describing himself with precision?