I think many writers write because they
HAVE to, there is a story inside them they
HAVE to get out. What starts that initial idea that we can be a writer? All of us have read a book only to get a few pages or chapters into it and say to ourselves, "I can do a hell of a lot better than this crap."
Maybe some of us try it...to tell the story that has been trying to get out. Some of us may put it on paper; we may then throw it in a box, or we let a friend read it. If they like it they may say, "keep writing, this is great!" This is just the beginning. To become a published fiction writer it is very difficult...a fiction writer living off of their earnings is nearly impossible. Even the real crappy novel all of us have picked up and never finished was chosen out of hundreds or even thousands of manuscripts. This is probably after numerous rejection slips. Why does this wannabe writer continue and not throw up his hands and quit? Simple…a writer has to write.
You were right HALO, as for the Eureka moment when a seed of story idea strikes you, Stephen King once said "any situation can be made into a story by asking the question "What IF..."'
Try it sometime...while waiting in line at the bank, sitting at your computer at work, or late at night when you hear a strange sound through your bedroom window...ask “what if”…it can be truly amazing.