caffeinegrrl said:
I just read the book entitled Wise Blood by Flannery O'Connor. I was wondering who else had read it, and was interested on your opinions of it. I'm not quite sure what to make of it, wanted to chat about meanings, etc.
Oh MAN! I just read this book for my High School Junior English class. I have to write stuff about it throughout the quarter till the end of the year, and we're supposed to do "journals" (set of 8 total) as we read the book. Hehe, I bought the book last Sunday evening and finished it Tuesday. It was GRIPPING! I think I have discovered my new favorite author

. Her characters and obvious symbols (like the mummy, the car, his mother's glasses and bible, the "fake blind prophet", etc.) are SO intricate. I am lost, but that book was absolutely amazing!
My English teacher is a Flannery O'Connor fan, apparently. So I asked him for some input, and boy did I get it! His proffessor in graduate school was an O'Connor fanatic as well, I guess. His name is Brain Abel Ragen. My English teacher JUST HAPPENED to have a book by this Ragen guy, which goes into great detail the symbols, themes, motifs, and theology of O'Connor. He talks quite extensively about
Wise Blood and it's meaning. If you want to understand ANYTHING about the book, I suggest reading this critique/explination. I only got it today (Friday), and have gotten about 20 pages into it. YIKES! I think this Ragen guy really "gets" O'Connor and what she was aiming towards with her fiction.
In the meanwhile (before I finish the Ragen book), I have a few ideas of my own about the meanings behind the book. The "false blind prophet" dude is like an inverted/upside down Paul (Saul before conversion) of the Bible. The care (mentioned SOOO much) represents, I believe, the "movingness" of a typical American hero. For example, Motes doesn't start acting like he's been redeemed until his car goes plumitting off a cliff. (Sidenote: wasn't that scene CRAZY! The cop character was TOTALLY pompous! I digress...). Well, before I take up 4 pages of my musings, I'll just let you know that I'm really interested in this book and all it has to offer. She was an amazing woman with a powerful (and true) message. I'd like here what you think of the book (what you can remember of it...I just discovered this book forum, hence the lateness of a reply...)