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For the automotivated ones

Whats your taste?

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Well, an unfortunate incident tore me away from the one car I owned that I would have driven until I was blind..a 2001 Mustang Cobra Convertible. :( I still get teary eyed *sniffle* when I think about it.

It got replaced for a short while with an Audi A4, which I also loved. I made a BAD choice when I decided to trade it in for a Disco II. I will always kick myself in the butt for that decision.

My dream car now is an Audi S4 convertible. Any future car I drive has to be speedy, a stick shift and handle like it's on rails!! :D
lahondas said:
grand cherokkes i think they burn alot of gas

You don't like em small, you don't like gas guzzlers, gosh, you're picky. ;)

Jules, you have excellent taste - those S4's are hot. Heavy, though, so not as much pick up as their huge engines imply.
Jules said:
Do you have any of their equipment on your VW?

My husband has their ecu program and turbo-back exhaust. Very pleased with both. I also know a few other people who have their Stage III kit.

Unfortunately I have the wimpy engine that they don't make mods for.