Mike Feury
Hi everyone, this looks like a great place for book lovers I found my way here via Darren's sig in SitePoint, where I'm a fellow "enthusiast".
I'm from Ireland, so of course I was reared on books. Reading and playing various sports were my main interests right up thru college--yep, took English for my degree. I still read a lot, but certainly not as much as in the "good old days"
I moved to the US in '99 to be with a great woman I met on the Internet--there must be a cyber romance tale there, right? We've run our online publishing business since early 2000, so now books are both business and pleasure--how bad is that?
Favorite author? I guess John Updike--I find his unusual use of words mesmerising. I also love the works of John McGahern, mainly set in Ireland about 50 years ago, and I've always liked the Irish specialty, the short story--eg William Trevor, Somerset Maugham, Frank O'Connor. I also like thrillers by LeCarre and early Ludlum, and sci-fi by Heinlein.
See you all around the bargain bin
I'm from Ireland, so of course I was reared on books. Reading and playing various sports were my main interests right up thru college--yep, took English for my degree. I still read a lot, but certainly not as much as in the "good old days"
I moved to the US in '99 to be with a great woman I met on the Internet--there must be a cyber romance tale there, right? We've run our online publishing business since early 2000, so now books are both business and pleasure--how bad is that?
Favorite author? I guess John Updike--I find his unusual use of words mesmerising. I also love the works of John McGahern, mainly set in Ireland about 50 years ago, and I've always liked the Irish specialty, the short story--eg William Trevor, Somerset Maugham, Frank O'Connor. I also like thrillers by LeCarre and early Ludlum, and sci-fi by Heinlein.
See you all around the bargain bin