The big picture here is that in everything we do in our lives, it has some advantages and disadvantages. Depending on your personal judgment scale and current situation, you weigh the pros and cons and decide on doing it or not. The personal scale and situation can be greatly varied. Plus it depends on the options that are valid. For example, if you don’t know about a marvelous game that is out, then this option is invalid, but if you know about it, you would might leave your book, your gathering or whatever you were doing and go for it.
Well, as I indicated in my post number 16, the options of games and TV shows are increasing in numbers plus they are becoming more appealing and psychologically addicting, hence many teenagers of this and coming generations are highly probable to go for these rather than for example reading books.
I’m indicating this cause today most of the society around me lack the time or interest to read work of literature and the incentive to read is countered by the options I discussed above in addition to others.
In an article in a newspaper that I read recently says:
I notice in the internet café many adults spend endless hours on games! and I consider it a major problem for a society. Reading has been substituted with the internet, the movies, TV and video games.
Ah well, I guess I moved out of the topic a bit, I will stop here

By the way, do I sound like I’m talking philosophy or more of a sociologist?