@Conscious Bob. Maybe the Catholic church is a little more old fashioned in Scotland. Here in Canada, the churches I have attended do not say being gay is wrong. They say gay SEX is wrong and therefore a marriage is out of the question. They do however also preach tolerance and love thy neighbour. They simply say they will not marry gay people in the church. One of my children attends Catholic school (my kids were allowed to choose either public or catholic school) and she learned about birth control and all the various types of sexuality that are out there. They do state that they only endorse married hetero sex, but they still teach everything that is out there. They also give the message to "love the person not the behaviour". Perhaps this is not a common teaching elsewhere.
I think I understand what you are trying to say, I just disagree. I see how far things have come here and the arguments put forth by the naysayers seem like so much fluff. No matter what religion you espouse, "love thy neighbour" is part of your doctrine. It might be worded differently but every religion can agree with that statement. I guess its all about how you put it into practice.
I have no issue with being Catholic and my state of grace in spite of my disagreement with some of their teachings. I used birth control, I had sex out of wedlock, and I count two married gay couples among my best friends. I still believe I will go to heaven.
The world is not falling apart because gay people who love one another are now allowed to legally proclaim themselves married. Its falling apart for so many other reasons that have nothing to do with religion and everything to do with skewed moral compasses. Love is love and commitment should be honored no matter what. A faithful gay married couple is more to be admired than an unfaithful hetero married couple IMO.
I think I understand what you are trying to say, I just disagree. I see how far things have come here and the arguments put forth by the naysayers seem like so much fluff. No matter what religion you espouse, "love thy neighbour" is part of your doctrine. It might be worded differently but every religion can agree with that statement. I guess its all about how you put it into practice.
I have no issue with being Catholic and my state of grace in spite of my disagreement with some of their teachings. I used birth control, I had sex out of wedlock, and I count two married gay couples among my best friends. I still believe I will go to heaven.
The world is not falling apart because gay people who love one another are now allowed to legally proclaim themselves married. Its falling apart for so many other reasons that have nothing to do with religion and everything to do with skewed moral compasses. Love is love and commitment should be honored no matter what. A faithful gay married couple is more to be admired than an unfaithful hetero married couple IMO.