I have read
The Lost Fleet as well. It's not bad pulp, eh?
If you don't want anything too involving, The Solar Clipper series by Nathan Lowell has a feel-good storyline. I will warn you that it is not literature, just an escape. It could be easily read by a ten year old, and the science is ridiculously simplistic. All that said, I still enjoyed them. Go figure.
Moving Mars by Greg Bear is a technical work of art. Political/Social intrigue set in the not-to-distant future. Some fighting, but no great space battles.
The Culture series by Ian Banks is fantastic. Lots of conflict, but no fleet engagement type of stuff. Be prepared to fall in love with some of the characters.
Surely you have read
The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy? If not, drop everything and go there now.
You might also try
Saturn's Children and
Neptune's Brood by Charles Stross. Simplistic (not as juvenile as Solar Clipper) but entertaining.
If you do not have an inherent fear of commitment,
The Commonwealth Saga by Peter Hamilton may be for you. It's two books of ~1000 pages each, but you did say ADVENTURE.
That's off the top of my head, maybe more later after I have thought about it.