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I decided to post a few more quotes from the Genious that is Goodkind. This time from his books.
On Chickens(From Soul of the Fire):
Its hard to be a Sister of the Dark. (From Stone of Tears)
On children and how teach them the error if their ways. (From Wizards first rule)
On the noble goat (From Naked Empire)
On Chickens(From Soul of the Fire):
Terry Goodkind said:Hissing, hackles lifting, the chicken's head rose. Kahlan pulled back. Its claws digging into stiff dead flesh, the chicken slowly turned to face her. It cocked its head, making its comb flop, its wattles sway. "Shoo," Kahlan heard herself whisper. There wasn't enough light, and besides, the side of its beak was covered with gore, so she couldn't tell if it had the dark spot, But she didn't need to see it. "Dear spirits, help me," she prayed under her breath. The bird let out a slow chicken cackle. It sounded like a chicken, but in her heart she knew it wasn't. In that instant, she completely understood the concept of a chicken that was not a chicken. This looked like a chicken, like most of the Mud People's chickens. But this was no chicken. This was evil manifest.
Its hard to be a Sister of the Dark. (From Stone of Tears)
Terry Goodkind said:The Sister at her head held the twisted cloth over the hooded face. "Open your mouth, and bite down on this." She put the cloth between the woman's teeth. "Now, open your legs. You must keep them open. If you try to close them, it will be a rejection of what you are being offered, and you will lose the chance. Forever."
The naked woman stared fixedly up at nothing. She panted with fear, her breast heaving. Slowly, she spread her legs.
The beast stirred, giving a low grunt.
The Namble sniffed at her crotch. Its long tongue flicked out, running ver her. She flinched, making a small jerk of a sound against the cloth in her teeth, but she keept her legs open. Her eyes did not move. She did not look at thte namble. The Sisters in the circle began a soft chant. The namble licked her again, slower, grunting this time as it did so. She squealed against the rag. Beads of sweat shimmered on her flesh. She kept her legs wide apart.
Riisng up on its knees, the beast gave a throaty roar to the black sky. Its pointed, barbed, erect phallus stood out, plainly silhouetted against the candles beyond. Muscles bulged in knotted cords along its arms and shoulderes asthe namble bent forward, putting a fist to each side of the woman. Its tongue licked outaround her throat as it gave a vibration rumble of a grow, and then it lowered itself, covering her with its massive form.
Its hips hunched forward. The womans eyes winced shut as she screamed against the cloth in her teeth. The namble gave a quick, powerful thrust and her eyes snapped open in a panic of pain. Even with the cloth clenched in her teeth, her screams could be heard over the chanting each time the beast knocked the wind from her, adding more force to the shrieks.
The beast thrashed at the Sister on the ground as the threes Sisiters held her. Her muffled screams of torment ripped at Margaret's heart.
The Sister holding the cloth finally spoke. " If you want the gift, you must encourate himto give it to you. He will not surrender it unless you overcome his control -- unless you talke it from him. You must win it from him. Do you understand?"
Crying, her eyes shut tight, the woman nodded.
The Sister pulled the cloth away. "Then he is yours now. Take the gift, if you will."
The other two released her arms and the three of them returned to their places in the circle, taking up the chanting with the others. The woman let out a wail that turned margarets bloodto ice. It made her ears hurt.
The woman flug her arms and legsaroundthe namble, clutching herself to it, moving with it, mving with the chanting. Her screams died away as she panted with the effort.
Please, dear Creator, Margaret begged in her mind, let it end.
And then, with a husky grunt, it did. Margaret opened her eyes to see the namble still, its back hunched. It shuddered, and then slowly went limp. Thewoman struggled to breathe under its weight.
On children and how teach them the error if their ways. (From Wizards first rule)
Terry Goodkind said:Princess Violet glared at him. "My mother says that Confessor Kahlan will come back and that we'll have a surprise for her the next time she comes here. I just want you to know because my mother said you'll be dead by then. My mother says I get to decide what to do to her. First, I'm going to cut off her hair. " Her hands were in fists, her face red. "Then i'm going to let all the guards rape her, every one! Then I'm going to put her in the dungeon for a few years so they'll have someone to play with! Then when I get tired of hurting her, I'll have her head chopped off and put it on a pole where I can watch it rot!"
Richard actually felt sorry for the little Princess. The sadness for her came over him in a wave. At that feeling, he was surprised to feel the thing in him that had come awake rise up.
Princess Violet squeezed her eyes shut, stuck her tongue out far as she could.
It was like a red flag.
The strength of the awakened power exploded through him.
He could feel her jaw shattter like a crystal goblet on a stone floor when his boot came up under it. The impact of the blow lifted the Princess into the air. Her own teeth severed her tongue before they, too, shattered. She landed on her back, a good distance away, trying to scream through the gushing blood.
On the noble goat (From Naked Empire)
Terry Goodkind said:Jennsen gestured vaguely back at the men and the town behind her. "Since I've been with them, they have come to see that I'm not a witch, and Betty is not a spirit guide - although for a time there I was afraid they might be right about Betty."
Richard peered down at the goat. Betty cocked her head. "I guess none of us but Betty knew the truth of what Nicholas was up to." At the sound of her name, Betty's ears pricked forward and her tail went into a fit of expectant wagging.
After Richard picked up his pack and slipped his arms through the straps, Owen gripped Richard's hand. "Thank you, Lord Rahl, for showing me that my life is worth living."
Marilee stepped forward and hugged him. "Thank you for teaching Owen to be worthy of me."
Richard laughed. Owen laughed. Cara gave Marilee an approving clap on the back. And then all the men laughed.
Betty pushed in and with a flurry of tail wagging got the point across that she didn't want to be left out.
Richard knelt down and scratched Betty's ears. "And you, my friend, from now on I don't want you letting any Slides using you to spy on people."
Betty pushed her head against his chest as he scratched her ears, and bleated as if to say she was sorry.