Sean Connery is an interesting choice for god, but I think he's a fine actor and he can pull off the role (as long as I can keep my mind off him being a former Bond

). I don't think Gary Oldman would make a good Satan, my vision of Satan has always been very attractive, flashy, irresistable, and persuasive, I just don't see Gary Oldman as any of those. Now here's a question for you, do you envision Satan as old looking or young? I've always thought maybe Satan would look like a person around 30ish. I also imagined Satan as being female instead of male. But assuming the devil is male, I'd say Olivier Martinez from Unfaithful would do nicely. He's definitely got the look that can persuade a woman to fall from grace

Now if Satan were a woman, there's no better actress to play the part than Angelina Jolie. That girl can seduce even the Pope if she wants to.
As for Adam and Eve, I don't see Ian Ziering or Jennifer Love Hewitt as either. I think of Adam as a man (sorry, I can't see past Zierring's 90210 surf boy days) with vulnerabilities but also loyalties and strength, maybe someone like Eric Bana or Russell Crowe. Eve I see someone who's confused, vain, and selfish, maybe someone like Jennifer Aniston (FYI, I'm not an Aniston fan) or Jennifer Lopez.