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Greetings from Kuwait!!


New Member
Hey there..

Just came across this forum today. I'm from Kuwait -but hopefully will move out soon- and... I guess I love to read! Is there any book you guys are reading this month?
Welcome to TBF!, lot of great folks here. I've seen a few read that particular book by Kesey, won't be too hard to find folks with your kind of reading interest.:)
Hi, Welcome. Kuwait must be an interesting place to live these days. I'm not reading anything outstanding these days. How about you?
Welcome, ScarlO! Do you mean is the forum reading a particular book or what are we, as individuals reading? Personally, I'm trying to plug on through Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrel still, but it's slow going with only time for a chapter a night right now. There is also a Book of the Month thread which has monthly book discussions based on what members vote for.
you guys are so cool!

Thank you. I love everything that I can relate with (and I usually relate to crazy, psycho books, being crazy and all) but I read everything, except cheesy romance novels and alien sci-fi

Halo, mom2kng, Wabbit,Monkey Catcher, and Ruby,
Thanks :)

Kuwait is not really that intresting. It's usually hot like bloody hell during summer, occasionally cool and rarely cold. I'm reading 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest', and am planning to read 'Memoirs of a Geisha' after it. Don't know what I'm going to read next.

I was going to try 'Jonathan Strange' (I heard it's good) but it's very long. Besides, Fantasy is not one of my favourite genres.

Doug Johnson,
Thank you. No not fully Kuwaiti, but I carry a Kuwaiti citizenship. I do both study & work..
I imagine Kuwait is like UAE, and I know that quite well. Have several times sunburned myself almost to the bone there, and that from October to March only... I imagine it is much worse in summertime there...
I think that cold weather is better - one could get worm clothes and start a fire, but in the heat there are no ways to get cooler other then get into water or near a conditioner. And I would have hated to live all my life near a conditioner or in a sea.
Welcome ScarlO,
There really wasn't any need for the warning in your biography though. You must have been registered to some dodgy forums before to be concerned of these things. I can assure you, you will not come across that sort of thing here.
It isn't totally like UAE. UAE is so humid it makes you suffocate to go out. It's hot like hell here, yeah, but at least its dry. You get used to sunburns after spending a while here.

Thanks for your assurance. I think it's a bit agressive, so i'd better just change it and put something nice and stupid.

I'm sure it's my loss not yours...
ScarlO said:
It isn't totally like UAE. UAE is so humid it makes you suffocate to go out. It's hot like hell here, yeah, but at least its dry. You get used to sunburns after spending a while here.

OK, I see my mistake now. It is not like to be in our Russian banya, but as in a Finnish sauna.
Just the same - it is hard to imagine people living in a Finnish sauna all their lives.
What could be so interesting in Kuwait to keep people there, aside from oil and sea...