direstraits said:
What are you current favourites, Gollum?
Well there's probably too many to list but
some of my favs are:
Italo Calvino - Invisible cities
Stephen Donaldson - Runes of the earth (read all of the covenant books)
Steven Erikson - Malazan series (the best! )
George RR Martin - Song of Ice and Fire
R Scott Bakker - Prince of Nothing
China Mieville - New Crobuzon trilogy and King Rat.
Gene Wolfe - Book of the New Sun. In fact anything by Wolfe.
M John Harrison - Viriconium
Kate Elliott - Crown Of stars series
Grreg Keyes - Kingdom of Thorn and Bone
Ricardo Pinto - Dance of The Chameleon trilogy
Paul Kearney - Mark Of Ran
Susanna Clarke - Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
JV Jones - Sword Of Shadows
Lord Dunsany - Knig Of Elfland's Daughter
HP Lovecraft - Dunwitch Horror, Mountains Of Madness and Colour Out Of Space.
ER Eddison - Worm Ouborous
Robert Silverberg - All of the Majipoor books.
Janny Wurts - Wars Of Light and Shadow.
That give you an idea of what I like?...