The Whisperer in Darkness (2007), an adaptation of a Lovecraft story produced by the H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society. Trailer: ([6])
Kammaren (2007), a Swedish movie inspired by H. P. Lovecraft. (IMDb entry)
Cthulhu (2007) is based on the short story "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" (IMDb entry)
Lovecracked: The Movie (2006), a straight to DVD release produced and distributed by (Biff Juggernaut Productions) is a complete feature anthology film inspired in part by influential horror author H. P. Lovecraft. (Official Movie Website), (IMDB entry)
Beyond the Wall of Sleep (2006). (IMDb entry)
The Call of Cthulhu (2005), a short, silent, black-and-white adaptation produced by the H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society.
The Dreams in the Witch House (2005) premiered on Showtime's Masters of Horror film series.
Il mistero di Lovecraft - Road To L. (2005), an Italian horror mockumentary about H.P. Lovecraft coming to Italy in 1926.
The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath (2003), an animated adaptation (IMDb entry)
13:de mars, 1941 (2004), a Swedish shortmovie inspired by the Statement of Randolph Carter.
The Shunned House (2003) (IMDb entry)
Dagon (2001), directed by Stuart Gordon, based less on Lovecraft's story of the same name than on "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" transplanted to a modern Spanish fishing village.
Nyarlathotep (2001) is a short film based on the story of the same name (IMDB Entry).
Cthulhu (2000) is based on the short stories "Call of Cthulhu" and "The Dunwich Horror".[7]
Cool Air (1998), an adaptation by Bryan Moore starring Jack Donner.
The Evil Clergyman (1997), an adaptation by Andy Davis starring Jon Vomit.
The Hound (1997), an adaptation by Anthony Penta of H. P. Lovecraft's short story.
Bleeders AKA Hemoglobin (1997). It's based on "The Lurking Fear".
The Lurking Fear (1994) (IMDB Entry).
Necronomicon (1994), three short films based on Lovecraft stories ("The Rats in the Walls", "Cool Air", "The Whisperer in Darkness"). This film depicts Lovecraft (Jeffrey Combs) stealing the Necronomicon from a religious order.
The Resurrected (1992), an adaptation of The Case of Charles Dexter Ward (IMDb entry)
Dark Heritage (1989), an adaptation of "The Lurking Fear".(IMDb entry)
The Unnamable (1988), a movie about a half demon woman who wreaks terror for some teens who venture into an old house.
The Curse (1987), an adaptation of "The Colour out of Space" (IMDb entry)
From Beyond (1986) directed by Stuart Gordon. (IMDb entry)
Re-Animator (1985) is an adaptation of "Herbert West—Re-Animator", directed by Stuart Gordon. (IMDb entry)
The Dunwich Horror (1970) (IMDb entry)
Curse of the Crimson Altar (1968) is based on "The Dreams in the Witch House."
The Shuttered Room (1967), an adaptation in which the creature in hiding is changed from a Deep One/human hybrid to a deformed insane person.
Die, Monster, Die! (1965), another adaptation of "The Colour out of Space" (IMDb entry)
The Haunted Palace (1963), an adaptation of The Case of Charles Dexter Ward