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#python #qt #qml #pyqt #pyside #sql #nosql
The best book for developers and beginners who want to learn Qt for Python!
1. Python, Qt, and C++ with examples.
2. QML and Qt Quick with examples.
3. PyQt and PySide with examples.
4. Graphics, Graphical Effects, and Multimedia.
5. Working with Databases (SQL, NoSQL).
6. Signals, slots, and event handlers with examples.
7. Threading and Multiprocessing in examples of large-scale constructions.
Only by these following links is available the original PDF book "Hands-on Qt for Python Developers" of original Author, and only here for $3 (Crypto is available):
The best book for developers and beginners who want to learn Qt for Python!
1. Python, Qt, and C++ with examples.
2. QML and Qt Quick with examples.
3. PyQt and PySide with examples.
4. Graphics, Graphical Effects, and Multimedia.
5. Working with Databases (SQL, NoSQL).
6. Signals, slots, and event handlers with examples.
7. Threading and Multiprocessing in examples of large-scale constructions.
Only by these following links is available the original PDF book "Hands-on Qt for Python Developers" of original Author, and only here for $3 (Crypto is available):
Volodymyr Kirichinets
