Thank you thank you for your birthday wishes!
I had to work, plus I worked late, so no, not the perfect birthday, but made very pretty close with this thread!
Halo - thanks so much, Halo - I'll look to return the favour again next year for your birthday.
Wabbit - not drunk, buddy, unfortunately. But not too bad either.
Libra6Poe - thanks!
Kookamoor - thanks for the lovely song, though I'm not so sure about the squishy bit.
ruby - Thanks!
StillILearn - thank you O she-who-changes-her-avatar-often.
Ell - Sieh sieh ni.
Where have you *been*?
technokitty - Nice to meet you. Thanks and stick around!
pwilson - No, didn't get any Kay as a present (I got everything already!), although I did read Kay yesterday. Ahh...
Sell Sword - I loved Sultan of Swing. Lovely guitar work.
Ronny - thanks very much ronny!
Crystal - hey, you've been lurking around, haven't you? Come back!
Ice - thanks. Hope things are cool. Geddit? It's my birthday, I can get away with bad puns today.
cajunmama - [big smile] good to be a banana boy for one day.
RaVeN - gee man, it's damn good to see you back.