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Happy Birthday Jemima Aslana !!!

Yo Jem... happy birthday! How did you exams go? Come to think of it, where did *you* go? :)

Many happy returns! Wanna read another book together?

Happy birthday Jemima!!!
Hope you had a great daya nd got everything u wished for...

(btw......pleased to meet you)
Thanks everyone.

So far I've gotten top of the class marks in two subjects. I'm still waiting to finish another as well as handing in my BA - that happens tomorrow btw.

The reason I've all but disappeared is said BA, as well as the fact that I'm working as stage manager on a stage show and we have opening night tonight.

As always I was working on my birthday - to such a degree that I even forgot that it *was* my birthday. I'll probably remember in a few weeks.

I've had precious little time for reading obviously, but I hope to get back in the loop once I've defended my BA somewhen around the 20th - gods, I just want to be done with it all now.

But thanks for the greetings :D It brightens my day that strangers remember when my own brother doesn't :p
Congratz on 'top marks' Jemima...

Is your brother just a very forgetful person? I hope that he actually cares tho. Everyone needs families....

It's very nice to see that there are so many caring and 'willing-to-help' people within this forum. Brightens up everyones day.....
Happy Birthday Jemima, sorry i'm late.

You sound really busy, but I hope that you'll take some time out and celebrate.

All the best with the BA.:)