Since The Prime Minister was waiting for The President in the first chapter it reminded me of Blair&Bush. Seriously not my fault! Plus Scrimgeour putting Shunpike and a few other innocent people in jail, for raising everyone’s morale, made me think about the US and their politics (especially after 9/11). Again, really not my fault, my thoughts starts drifting elsewhere.
I didn’t like this book as much as I liked “Order of the Phoenix” and “Prizoner of Azkaban”.
Especially Dumbledore’s death! What a huge disappointment. I felt nothing when he died, I just thought “Oh well, he was old anyway.” (No Dumbledore-fan, myself by the way). She rushed it! Plus since we knew someone would die, I was thinking it would be Dumbledore, so that wasn’t any surprise-surprise! It was more like “Oh, yeah? Well, Finally!”
Plus I agree with Ice, Harry seems to forget things quite rapidly. What happen with his “issues” with Dumbledore?
I still don’t believe Snape is “evil”, and on “the other side”. I kind of feel for him and Malfoy. I’m actually starting to like Snape. Almost as much as Sirius (which means more than Harry & the gang). I like his role. And as some others pointed out, I’d have liked to see more of him, than just the “Half-Blood Prince”.
I did like Ron’s character-development though, not that it was any huge deal. Still wondering when some changes occur in Hermione. She and Harry went back to becoming dull and a little annoying, and just like always. Blah! That can become boring you know. I liked the angry Harry far better!
Plus what was up with the crap about Ginny and Harry? Especially when it’s ok by her that they split up in the end? Please! That was dumb! Isn’t he scared Hermione or Ron’s funeral is the next he’ll be attending? Since that’s the reason he has to stay away from Ginny, but can stay with them? If Rowling was gonna end it like that, they would have been far better separate, since it obviously didn’t matter much to Ginny if they stayed together!!
Another thing... didn’t people learn anything from their previous mistakes, when Harry told everyone Voldemort was back, and no one believed him? I was quite surprised they still didn’t believe any of the things he suspected. (I know Dumbledore knew about Malfoy, speaking of which, why couldn’t he tell Harry he knew what Draco was up to?)
In regard to Sirius... seemed like he was forgotten very easily. No one (including Harry) wanted to talk about him! I know, I know, it was too hard for Harry (& Tonks) to think about it and all, but really!!! It’s like we’ve really finished him up in book 5. I’m really hoping Harry is as sadder (or much more) in the next book, so that I won’t need to read more about Dumbledore!!!
That’s all for now.