Wabbit said:
I find it extremely badly written and lacking any kind of imagination.
I don't agree that it's badly written. Sure, she doesn't go in for extended imagery or complex sentence structure, but these books are intended for kids, so can't be
too complicated in the way they are written. However, she doesn't patronise kids, and uses words which I'm sure they've never heard before, so extending their vocabulary.
As regards the "lacking in imagination", I completely disagree. JK's books are
packed with imaginative touches - all the little things that bring the wizarding world to life such as howlers, the every-flavour beans, the pensieve, Hogwarts itself... There is just so much imagination in these books! If you mean plot-wise, well, there's only meant to be seven plots isn't there, and everything is a variant or combination of these. So yes, here we have the orphan boy, ill-treated by the relatives who are supposed to be caring for him, combined with the "having special powers/being the Chosen One" thing and the British boarding school story (amongst others). I think that everything is derivative of other stories, to a lesser or greater degree.
Anyway, looking forward to July 16th!