Jemima Aslana said:
As for myself: I've been on the brink of suicide 3 times. And to cajunmam who thinks it's selfish of people to off themselves I will say this: In the objective point of view... yes I agree with you. It hurts a lot of people and will thus make the person 'selfish'. But, and that's a very big BUT mind you, that person will not realise that. A person who is on the brink of suicide does not know it will hurt others if they leave this world. If they knew in their hearts it would hurt people if they left then they'd still have something to cling to and thus wouldn't off themselves. Suicide happens when, for whatever reasons, a person feels there is nothing for them in life.
Yes, Thoroughly agree with that point. Beautifully worded post Jemima. As someone else who as also been THATCLOSE to committing suicide trust me I understand. When I was at those two points in time, it honestly felt as if the whole world was dark. No one cared for me, I had no friends at all. I acknowledged that my parents cared for me, but I honestly thought I would be helping them. "Sure, they *think* they love me. But they don't know me.... they don't know what sort of mess they got stuck with...." I thought that in the long run they would be better. They would no longer have to worry about me or my issues, they wouldn't have to waste money for my college (which I didn't deserve).
Starting at about 14 years old I had severe depression. I had a raging Eating Disorder for years, starving myself to 88 pounds. I was into self mutilation as a means to punish myself for being a horrible person. I seriously came to the point of suicide twice. Once at sixteen I sat there with all of my parents blood pressure pills pondering life..... but I would not want them to live with the guilt that I had used their medication to kill myself. I was killing myself to help them (in my mind), and wanted their suffering to be as little as possible. My parents never made me feel unwanted or unloved, I just could not trust my own mind. My perception of things was completely distorted. I had another opportunity at 18 while sitting late at night with a loaded rufle and trying to build up nerve. At that point I just made a deal with myself. I set a date that if life wasn't at all better by that point, I could kill myself and say I had least *tried* to give life a shot.
I never really thought about others besides my parents. I had no friends to speak of. I was a nanny, and the kids loved me but I figured they would be better without me around. The younger of my two girls was mimicking my anorexic behavior and I couldn't handle that. They would surely be better without me around. I thought my parents would have an easier life without me. Then, No one else would notice I was gone. People could tell me they loved me, that I was too thin, that I was actually worth something. I never believed it. My own mind spent all day telling me I was worthless. It took some serious doing to get over all this. Yet, I think part of it all will always be lurking in the back of mind. Waiting for the proper time to leap forward again. I'm not sure I will ever get rid of it all completely, but I think I have learned to deal with it much better.
I still deal with occassional depression though not as severe as before. I still deal with the Eating disorder, that's the big one. Looking back on it all I am happy I came out of it with relatively little damage done. I am thankful the scars I carved into my legs have faded. I am glad I suffered no permanent damage to my heart. One or two fo my friends who know about my past find it ironic I'm a nurse considering this past. One of my friends refers to me as a "Wounded Healer", I sort of like that. I suppose if I can't fix myself I may as well get my kicks fixing others until the great puzzle I call myself works itself out.
Hmm.. already I'll hit the submit button but part of me is already getting regretting it.. I really never speak with anyone in my curent life about this. I hide it as well as I can. I still think others will think less of me if they know.