Hi, this is Fishman saying hi to everyone out there. This is my first forum that I have joined (that seems to be active). I have to make a BIG confession that I AM in part joining because I want to tell people about my wife's debut novel. BUT I also do want to chat about books in general. I love to read, both fiction and non-fiction. Just finished HST's Fear and Loathing in America. (His letters from 1968 - 1976.) Much more interesting than his Fear and Loathing in Vegas, which was hysterical in my druggy 20's, suspect I would be much more cynical reader now. Also halfway through some novels, all of which are OK but not compelling me like some of my claccis reads of my younger days. Does anybody else find its just so hard anymore to find a book that is so damn compelling, that it takes over your life for a period of time? I know its partly just gettin older, and maybe we have too many distractions now..