New Member
Hello everyone. I have been surfing your site for several months now, and have decided to finally introduce myself formally.
I read just about anything I get my hands on. I inherited my love for reading from my parents, both of whom have been avid readers all their lives. My life is very busy, work and hobbies, but I still find time to read at least an hour a day. I look forward to the two weeks each year when I go on vacation; it is usually on a beach where I spend the first half of the day working off a hangover by turning pages on a lounge chair in the morning sun. I usually finish two books each week we go, but I always take a third…just in case.
I hope to get to know some of you and share what books I have enjoyed in the past and get some ideas for my future reading.
I read just about anything I get my hands on. I inherited my love for reading from my parents, both of whom have been avid readers all their lives. My life is very busy, work and hobbies, but I still find time to read at least an hour a day. I look forward to the two weeks each year when I go on vacation; it is usually on a beach where I spend the first half of the day working off a hangover by turning pages on a lounge chair in the morning sun. I usually finish two books each week we go, but I always take a third…just in case.
I hope to get to know some of you and share what books I have enjoyed in the past and get some ideas for my future reading.