I'm Jackie and I'm new to this site. I'm glad I found it, it's nice to talk to likeminded people.
I stumbled across Fantasy novels by accident, and now I'm hooked and can't put them down.
At the moment I'm working my way though David Eddings' books. I've just finished The Belgariad series and made a start on Belgarath the Sorcerer. Love it.
Take care
I'm Jackie and I'm new to this site. I'm glad I found it, it's nice to talk to likeminded people.
I stumbled across Fantasy novels by accident, and now I'm hooked and can't put them down.
At the moment I'm working my way though David Eddings' books. I've just finished The Belgariad series and made a start on Belgarath the Sorcerer. Love it.
Take care