New Member
Hello, everybody! I'm really glad that I stumbled on this website. I look forward to many interactions with you all.
My name is Lisa Alfonso. I'm nineteen-years-old and I have a book published on Amazon. It's called "Believe" and I'd LOVE if you checked it out!
Aside from writing, I LOVE reading. It's what keeps me going. I've got stacks upon stacks of books. There's even a shelf on my bookshelf that's crooked from too many books being placed on it.
I look forward to hearing about everybody and your favorite books as well. Thanks for reading this!
My name is Lisa Alfonso. I'm nineteen-years-old and I have a book published on Amazon. It's called "Believe" and I'd LOVE if you checked it out!
Aside from writing, I LOVE reading. It's what keeps me going. I've got stacks upon stacks of books. There's even a shelf on my bookshelf that's crooked from too many books being placed on it.
I look forward to hearing about everybody and your favorite books as well. Thanks for reading this!