New Member
This is the friendliest place I know of on the web. Almost every poster here seems considerate and kind. I post to a few other forums where the action is fast and furious, and they are fun. But this is a welcoming spot for me, like sitting in a nice leather chair beside the fire in the study.....
But since my study burned, this has been a nice substitute.
On to real business.
I've started a "Help Me" thread here in GD so that anyone who has a question or needs advice can seek it here, and others who feel like helping or exercising their trivia muscles can peruse the perusals.
My original idea for this was a science Q & A because I had a question about physics. I solved that puzzle myself, but I still liked my idea so now consider it implemented.
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Post Here!
But since my study burned, this has been a nice substitute.
On to real business.
I've started a "Help Me" thread here in GD so that anyone who has a question or needs advice can seek it here, and others who feel like helping or exercising their trivia muscles can peruse the perusals.
My original idea for this was a science Q & A because I had a question about physics. I solved that puzzle myself, but I still liked my idea so now consider it implemented.
Need Help?
Post Here!