Tony Hawks has written some really funny books. The two I have read, "
Round Ireland With a Fridge" and "
Playing the Moldovans at Tennis" both chronicle the author's attempts to win bets made when he was drunk (the titles are self-explanatory).
Another author who always makes me laugh is
Sue Townsend. She is best known for the "
Adrian Mole" series of books, eg. "
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 3/4". These books are (as you might expect from the above title) written in the form of Adrian's diary. One of the best things about these books is that Adrian has been allowed to grow up: they have gone from him aged 13 to the present time, aged 35-ish, in the latest "
Adrian Mole and the Weapons of Mass-Destruction". He is a bookish, uncool person who wrongly fancies himself as an "intellectual", but you can't help liking him as he deals with life's disappointments and responsibilities. They are very, very funny. I don't know how well they would translate to non-UK countries though, as to get the humour you really need a knowlege of English working class people, TV, personalities etc.
I also enjoyed "
The Queen and I" by the same author (think that's the title), about a republican government getting in in England and deposing the Royal Family. They are sent to live in a council house with all the "common" people - bloody hilarious!

Some cope pretty well but others crack up very quickly. I really admire Townsend - she is still writing great books even though I heard she is blind or very nearly blind.