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SillyWabbit said:OK, I admit it! It was a sweet grey haired little old lady. She was bringing a suitcase full of books to the ophens when I hit her over the head with haddock! I ran off with her books!
phil_t said:Ahhh, the Big Hungry Caterpillar!!!
That rocked!!!
Especially the twist ending
heavydutyjudy said:All those Enid Blyton books were so influential - famous five, secret seven, the five find-outers, the secret island etc (quite racist when you look back now) plus all the boardin' school books. Faraway Tree was the best though...
what about Nancy Drew? Gave me a lifelong love for crime fiction...
I used to have an English teacher when I was in secondary school who encouraged me to read books - Orwell, Steinberg, Irving, lots of American fiction (aargh - The Scarlet Letter!) and books that would stretch my mind. of course at the same time , in my early teens I read hunners of crap books (jackie Collins etc), hoping for the meerest sniff of a sex scene...
Spent hours in my room reading...was fab.
hobitten said:Later Enid Blyton became one of my favorit. I think she started me on crime stories and thrillers.
mr_michel said:we have at home a sort of enciclopedia for youngs, it has in each tome an abriged classic book like david copperfield, and stories for kids, like the hans christian anderson or esopo's fables, so when i was very young i keep reading this ones also checking the rest of the enciclopedia in case i found some interesting big words. also i spend all my money on comic books
but when i get in seventh grade (i think) i stop reading (except for the comics of course).
i remember one of my older brothers friend on occasion telling us about books (this guy has the story telling gift, pretty much after he tells you an history you dont feel the need to read the book or watching the movie for yourselft) i remember him talking about kane and abel, and patriot games and how different it was from the movie, and me thinking, that sounds interesting.
so one day somebody gave me as a gift jurassic park, and really like it, specially for the fact the i didnt ended as the movie.
after jurasic park, i decided to read interview with the vampire, since the movie was cool and there was an old copy at my house.
then i saw this kane and abel novel which i had heard about before, on an airport store, and the rest is history.