Well, hello
How're y'all doing?
I'm alex, most people call me Lex, you can call me whatever you fancy
[Don't worry, I'm not that big on smiles
Right off my user name is the coolest possible combination of my name, alex D. (well, at least I though so)
I'm "only" 16, so by no means an old guy. I'd been looking (can we officially start using 'googling' now?) for a place where people actually enjoy reading books, and, well, here I am. I can't tell you how many times a week I hear things like (seriously, now) "I hate reading and hope it dies" and other such, it's just too depressing. I know not one person who actually reads for enjoyment. And that's just about a paragraph more than anyone wanted to know.
I read mostly Fantasy (not SF!! They are not the same thing!! You'd think that'd be common knowledge, hmm) but I do enjoy reading something funny now and then (Hiaasen!). Favorite series of all time is probably the one I'm still now reading (Terry Goodkind: Sword of Truth).
I'm an aspiring graphic artist (Maya, Rhino and Bryce[I know, I know], and some motion with AE and 3ds). The Navy or Army is probably going to pay for me to go to an AI somewhere, then I'll go see them for a few years. I refuse to sit behind a desk until I retire, although I'm no dummy. I'll most likely end up an Army ranger and then eventually SWAT somewhere. Maybe by the time I'm 40 or so I'll be ready for a desk, maybe not. I know, I know, 'such big plans for a kid, looking to 40!!', but hey, I live in the middle of no where, I've got time to think.
I run track in the winter and throw the Javelin in the summer, (and fail geo year round), and that's my life story. More than anyone would ever want to know, but, hey, oh well.
Looking forward to meeting everyone here
I'm alex, most people call me Lex, you can call me whatever you fancy
Right off my user name is the coolest possible combination of my name, alex D. (well, at least I though so)
I'm "only" 16, so by no means an old guy. I'd been looking (can we officially start using 'googling' now?) for a place where people actually enjoy reading books, and, well, here I am. I can't tell you how many times a week I hear things like (seriously, now) "I hate reading and hope it dies" and other such, it's just too depressing. I know not one person who actually reads for enjoyment. And that's just about a paragraph more than anyone wanted to know.
I read mostly Fantasy (not SF!! They are not the same thing!! You'd think that'd be common knowledge, hmm) but I do enjoy reading something funny now and then (Hiaasen!). Favorite series of all time is probably the one I'm still now reading (Terry Goodkind: Sword of Truth).
I'm an aspiring graphic artist (Maya, Rhino and Bryce[I know, I know], and some motion with AE and 3ds). The Navy or Army is probably going to pay for me to go to an AI somewhere, then I'll go see them for a few years. I refuse to sit behind a desk until I retire, although I'm no dummy. I'll most likely end up an Army ranger and then eventually SWAT somewhere. Maybe by the time I'm 40 or so I'll be ready for a desk, maybe not. I know, I know, 'such big plans for a kid, looking to 40!!', but hey, I live in the middle of no where, I've got time to think.
I run track in the winter and throw the Javelin in the summer, (and fail geo year round), and that's my life story. More than anyone would ever want to know, but, hey, oh well.
Looking forward to meeting everyone here