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hay82 said:The Donnie Darko Book.
Its basicly just the script to the movie and a interview with Richard Kelly but it gives a great insight into the movie and the process of getting it made.
If you like the movie its a great book to read.
I don't think anyone can really get the movie, it doesn't have just one thing its trying to tell. Think you'll have to settle for what the movie tells you. Oh and if you haven't, then see the directors cut its brilliant.Love4OneAnother said:That was an awesome movie.I had to watch it several times, and I still don't fully get it. xD I'll check this out.
SillyWabbit said:hehe, you knew?
No, I have not read that one yet! I will read them all in the end!But I am really intriuged by what that last line is?! Marquez for me is like life itself. It's very complex, can be dark, and I don't understand much of it! But Life is still beautiful.