You are right, there is all such initiatives that I can part into. Do you know I don't spend money on shopping or materialistic happiness when all other do. I have exactly 10 pair of clothing but I am okay with that. I had a huge fight in my college about certain principles that I assumed college believed in. I am top ranking student but you know I never come first. Why is that? Because college is providing additional help to other students to cheat and pass and even get higher ranking than me. I don't go out to parties, I study at home, to make a better person out of myself. And when such incidents occur it makes me feel useless when you do and do and you get the middle finger in the end.See my post about beating your head against a brick wall. You will not win being a 'child' living at home with your parents in such a community. I would love to tell you that if you made a big sign, and chained yourself to the tree attitudes would miraculously change and there is a happy ending. But it won't happen.
What you can do however is put your passion into something that will make a difference. Find a greening initiative in your town and volunteer. Do your bit to recycle, waste less, use less water and electricity. Raise funds for greening campaigns or tree planting campaigns in other parts of the world. There are plenty of them.