bookworm fellow
I know many people and I got a lot of friends and none of them likes reading as I do. And this is not a peculiarity of my acquaintances . See, most of people don't care about reading. So I may say reading is a weird habit. It's hard to find someone who likes reading and for me that was the reason I looked for a readers' community in the internet. And I decided to choose this one by the way
. But the fact is that we are a few percentage of people who have time for reading or uses time that we should be doing anything else to read. My case is more like this last hypothesis lol.
Anyway, I think time is the key word to explain why I cant find much people who reads - or in abstract - the key word to explain why almost nobody reads. People got no time, mates! I myself have to study many hours during my day and I also got to work in a lawyers' office so I can get experience in my future business.
But what about the reading time?? reading does not make anyone rich, for sure. The only thing I don't feel guilt by reading is Law-academic books and boring jurisprudences in the internet so I can learn something about the job that expects me in a very close future.
But if I decide to take the next half hour to read a good romance - oh that seems a crime!! Damn it. Why does life has to be such like this?? Money is good, but fun is also good, mates.
When I was a young children I used to ask myself why dont anybody creates a law like "It's prohibited to work, study or do anything else that may sound boring during 20:00 to 23:00 from sunday to saturday". Wouldn't it be awesome??
Oh sorry. This topic was supposed to be more like a discussion about "what do you guys think that can explain the few number of readers in the world" or something like that. But unfortunately I seem to have turned it in a life complain that a psychologist should be listening to, but not you my reading mates, right? So sorry lol
(I don't have a psychologist, they seem to pretend they care about any of your probles so you can feel better and supported... dunno lol)
So, guys (and girls), tell me/us why do you thing most of people don't read or why don't you read as much as you wanted to??
Anyway, I think time is the key word to explain why I cant find much people who reads - or in abstract - the key word to explain why almost nobody reads. People got no time, mates! I myself have to study many hours during my day and I also got to work in a lawyers' office so I can get experience in my future business.
But what about the reading time?? reading does not make anyone rich, for sure. The only thing I don't feel guilt by reading is Law-academic books and boring jurisprudences in the internet so I can learn something about the job that expects me in a very close future.
But if I decide to take the next half hour to read a good romance - oh that seems a crime!! Damn it. Why does life has to be such like this?? Money is good, but fun is also good, mates.
When I was a young children I used to ask myself why dont anybody creates a law like "It's prohibited to work, study or do anything else that may sound boring during 20:00 to 23:00 from sunday to saturday". Wouldn't it be awesome??
Oh sorry. This topic was supposed to be more like a discussion about "what do you guys think that can explain the few number of readers in the world" or something like that. But unfortunately I seem to have turned it in a life complain that a psychologist should be listening to, but not you my reading mates, right? So sorry lol

So, guys (and girls), tell me/us why do you thing most of people don't read or why don't you read as much as you wanted to??