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I will be missed.


Active Member
But don't you guys worry - I'll be thinking of you when I'm lying on a beautiful beach, cocktail in hand, book on my lap, sun on my face, the sunset in front of my eyes ..

.. no, seriously, I will.

I'm leaving very, very early tomorrow morning and I won't be back until Sunday next week (ooh bliss!).

Anyway, don't do anything I wouldn't do! I might wander into an InternetCafe at one point, but don't count on it!

See y'all later, folks!

Greece, here I come!

Cheers, Martin
Have a great time, Martin! You will certainly be missed!

bring us all back some souvenirs, will ya ;) And enjoy the cocktail, sunshine, and a good book!
Souvenirs ..

.. does herpes count?

KIDDING! Sheesh .. no need to get angry!

Cheers, Martin
Martin said:
Souvenirs ..

.. does herpes count?

KIDDING! Sheesh .. no need to get angry!

Cheers, Martin

Oooh, what I've always wanted...and from a foreign country, too!

Reminds me of the Far Side cartoon where a man is in a bar talking to a woman from Paris. All his bacteria are thrilled, because they're going to get to go to Paris. I always found that to be amusing.
Oooh, what I've always wanted...and from a foreign country, too!
You haven't lived until you've had Greek herpes, man! I mean, it wasn't Achilles's heel that was his weak spot, let me tell ya! That's only the kiddie version!

Cheers, Martin
Have a great time you Dutch lunatic you ... oh, just dont stare at any of their miliary planes for longer than two seconds, or the police will arrest you and keep you locked up for a year for no particular reason ;)

I'll bet he's not going any where. He just said that he's going to Greece to impress people and spy on us.

If you're really going to Greece, take someone along as a witness. I suggest Bobby. He's both reliable & expendable (nothing personal soldier).

You know that I'm going to miss you most of all don't you? I'll make sure to keep a journal of my daily activities just for you Martin so you can read how I was barely able to function 'til your triumphant return.

And for heaven sakes, have sex while you're there will ya? Lots and lots of sex. Money is no object so try a woman at least once.

God's speed young man.

Oh, so both Nicola & Martin will just 'happen' to be in the Mediterranean area at the same time ... what a 'coincidence' :D

Phil (Stirring with his Big Stirring Stick TM)
Martin, whereabout you going? If you going to Athens, please feedback about Olypmics building which they haven't finished yet before couple of months which Olypmics start! If not, why not you tell a story about your holiday when you come home!! :D
just dont stare at any of their miliary planes for longer than two seconds, or the police will arrest you and keep you locked up for a year for no particular reason
Feck, that was Greece?!

And for heaven sakes, have sex while you're there will ya? Lots and lots of sex.

Martin, whereabout you going? If you going to Athens, please feedback about Olypmics building which they haven't finished yet before couple of months which Olypmics start! If not, why not you tell a story about your holiday when you come home!!
I'm not going to Athens, I'm going to Rhodos. And I'll try to have a nice story ready when I get back, especially for you, Kaz!

And the rest of you - Thank you!!

Oh, and Nicola, have a great time!

Cheers, Martin
Martin said:
Feck, that was Greece?!

Yes, that's true. About 10 British men arrest over planespotting which Greek police arrest them. Daft thing.

I'm not going to Athens, I'm going to Rhodos. And I'll try to have a nice story ready when I get back, especially for you, Kaz!

And the rest of you - Thank you!!

Oh, and Nicola, have a great time!

Cheers, Martin

Have a nice time and enjoy to throw the plates!!! :lol
Are you still here!!

How are we meant to insult you behind your back if you wont leave!!


Some people are just SO inconsiderate :D

Thank you ..

.. and yes, I'm still here. My ride doesn't arrive for another two and a half hours.

But feel free to start insulting.

Cheers, Martin
I'm really off now.

This will be me in a few hours time -->

Have a good time, everyone, and don't despair, I'll be back!

Ciao! (Wait, that's not Greek, is it?)

Cheers, Martin