Resurrection man
Hey Ell - and everyone, really
My home PC became an abode of dragons some time ago. It took a while, but a fearless engineer eventually drove out the demons and returned the hard drive to me unburned. It's okay now, de-gremlin'd and curiously a bit friskier than before. A brush with death was obviously good for it on some Virtual Life-affirming level.
So now I'm back in black. Footloose from the noose, as it were.
PS: Agreed. Minority Report missed the hoop by some way if Spielberg was shooting for noir. It basically demonstrated that he'd like to go back to making films like Hook. I suppose I might have viewed it in a better light if, like you, I'd had no expectations. Unfortunately, I was all geared up for "the best sci-fi film since Blade Runner". Always a mistake, I know. The main reason I enjoyed Attack of the Clones so much was, I'm sure, because I went into it expecting just another dose of Episode I rubbish.