Active Member
Between 27 of us, in January we read 127 full books, 124 of them were unique titles, by 108 different authors.
Not including Borges and Bellamann, both of whom several works were read this month, the most popular book read in Jan was The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffeneger, read by 3 members, followed by Midnight's Children, read by 2 members.
3 books were read by Stephen King
2 books by Margaret Atwood
2 by Jaqueline Carey
2 by Jonathan Safron Foer
2 by Philippa Gregory
2 by Jonathan Kellerman
2 by Dean Koontz
2 by Halldor Laxness
2 by C S Lewis
2 by Gregory McGuire
2 by Jose Saramago.
The average date of publishing was 2000, and the oldest was Lord of The Flies, published in 1959.
Original thread can be seen here
And a link to the whole list over at librarything which can be seen by logging in with the username TBFJan06 and password books
This doesn't include the 32 books that were started and unfinished in January

Not including Borges and Bellamann, both of whom several works were read this month, the most popular book read in Jan was The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffeneger, read by 3 members, followed by Midnight's Children, read by 2 members.
3 books were read by Stephen King
2 books by Margaret Atwood
2 by Jaqueline Carey
2 by Jonathan Safron Foer
2 by Philippa Gregory
2 by Jonathan Kellerman
2 by Dean Koontz
2 by Halldor Laxness
2 by C S Lewis
2 by Gregory McGuire
2 by Jose Saramago.
The average date of publishing was 2000, and the oldest was Lord of The Flies, published in 1959.
Original thread can be seen here
And a link to the whole list over at librarything which can be seen by logging in with the username TBFJan06 and password books
This doesn't include the 32 books that were started and unfinished in January