I have about a dozen news sites bookmarked, I read almost all of them every day.
Seeing a bias in reporting doesn't really upset me, news is reported by humans
and humans have bias, no big deal. I've always looked forward to reading MSNBC
as much as I did Fox, even though both of them seem to be the most biased, MSNBC
to the left, Fox to the right. Lately, Fox has been getting more and more
trashy, especially since Obama won the election. Today was the last straw, they
had a picture of Bill Bradley with a cheaply made caption on the photo that said
"SPAM KING?" for some story about how he may be responsible for clogging my
email inbox. The photo looked like one of those hasitly made photos people post
on message boards, really cheap. And all of the rest of the headlines looked
like they were written for shock as well, even though that's nothing new for
Fox. I don't watch their television news, I wonder if it's as bad as their