There's no need for calling me a retard and all that. I'm simply thinking out loud, and you guys are shutting me down like I have nothing better to do than sit around forums and annoy people. See, maybe you, novella, are showing willful ignorance right now, since you denounce my point and do not even want to understand it since it would corrupt your thought process and it would change the way you look at things, hence willful ignorance. And there's nothing wrong with that, people do it all the time unconciously.
Do you plan on applying your "narrow minded" is best philosophy when it comes to buyng a car, or a house?
Don't most people do that all the time? Aren't commercials designed for that specific reason, to show to the viewers that one product is the best? Most of the time they don't even show a reason why this product is better, they just have some graphic that catches your attention and makes you associate a thought or a feeling for a product. Hence, you're ignoring all the other products because you "feel" that the particular product is the best.
Why can't a genuine thought process be reached about liberal/conservative by reading up on both sides of the issues? Isn't that the best way to decide?
Have you ever tried it? Try reading something by Ann Coulter and then turning around and reading something by Noam Chomsky, just for an example, and see what happens.
You've said you don't value book learnin.
Where did I say that? I said that reading too much and irrelevant informations is useless, but reading about relevant information and stuff that pertains to you, that's useful.
What I am trying to say is, people ignore facts and opinions of others unconsiously every day unconciously, but then they turn around and say that ignorance is wrong and not rational. And it is wrong precisely because other people, or
some books, not all, ingrain that into our brain. See, in my opinion, it is human intuition to be ignorant of other cultures and think that yours is the best one. And if you know about every culture, you would have to be really careful what you are saying in order not to offend someone. That's why we have all this political correctness going on. Then you know about every culture, and you have a kid, and you have to reteach all this stuff to him again? Why do that, when you can get him focused on something particular, so he gets really good at it. Now, don't twist my words around and say that I am in favor on teaching only one view of life, and saying everyone else is stupid. I'm saying that teaching irrelevant information that does not apply is useless. Please, take this with a grain of salt and think about it before dismissing it as crazy talk or something.
But I have my own opinion of your proposition and rhetorical position, and I'm giving it to you.
And please do, I haven't shut you down once and have listened to you, haven't called you silly or a retard, have I?