Active Member
Somehow by posting here I managed to reserect my dead thread. I didn't for that to happen.
Libre, If I sounded harsh, it's not that I'm a total bitch (only on the days that end in y) I didn't mean to sound rude. I'm a mother and I try to teach the kids not to whine about things that don't mean much to their day to day living and things that they have no control over. I guess this thread just got the best of me....or maybe it's Thursday of Spring Break and I'm in real need of these kids to go back to school.
You're right, This is such a trivial issue compared to all the other horrible things that can happen to you.....
Libre, If I sounded harsh, it's not that I'm a total bitch (only on the days that end in y) I didn't mean to sound rude. I'm a mother and I try to teach the kids not to whine about things that don't mean much to their day to day living and things that they have no control over. I guess this thread just got the best of me....or maybe it's Thursday of Spring Break and I'm in real need of these kids to go back to school.