New Member
I am reading The Catcher in the Rye (J.D.Sallinger) at the moment. I have not finished it yet, but I am well underway.
Being Danish this book is not exactly included in the mandatory reads of my youth (and life). I came across it a few years back, have to. I do not have much in common with a 16 year old but didn't start reading it untill recently.
I understand that this book is a classic - and I think I understand why. It has got to be one of the first "teenage books": written about a (troubled) teenager, in the language of a teenager, describing the life and mind of one teenager around 1950. I enjoy it quite a lot, despite the fact that I am well past my teens!!!
I don't think I can relate to the character, but I really don't think I youngster, from a wealthy family in America, being thrown out of one prep-school after another (we don't have prep-schools in Denmark). But I can still understand Holden Cauldfield and enjoy the book. (this being a reference Murphyz review).
Is it true, that this book was "banned" from public libraries and schools in the US at certain period of time? I heard some rumour to that effect.
I'd like to hear from others who have read this book...

By the way: The book is called "Forbandet Ungdom" in Danish, which translates into something like "Damned Youth".
Quite appropriate, don't you think
Being Danish this book is not exactly included in the mandatory reads of my youth (and life). I came across it a few years back, have to. I do not have much in common with a 16 year old but didn't start reading it untill recently.
I understand that this book is a classic - and I think I understand why. It has got to be one of the first "teenage books": written about a (troubled) teenager, in the language of a teenager, describing the life and mind of one teenager around 1950. I enjoy it quite a lot, despite the fact that I am well past my teens!!!
I don't think I can relate to the character, but I really don't think I youngster, from a wealthy family in America, being thrown out of one prep-school after another (we don't have prep-schools in Denmark). But I can still understand Holden Cauldfield and enjoy the book. (this being a reference Murphyz review).
Is it true, that this book was "banned" from public libraries and schools in the US at certain period of time? I heard some rumour to that effect.
I'd like to hear from others who have read this book...
By the way: The book is called "Forbandet Ungdom" in Danish, which translates into something like "Damned Youth".
Quite appropriate, don't you think