Tolkien once said, “Indeed only by myth-making, only by becoming a “sub-creator” and inventing stories, can Man ascribe to the state of perfection that he knew before the Fall.” This is why, I believe, that it is with The Silmarillion that Tolkien achieves his philosophical ideal. I personally enjoyed the The Silmarillion over The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit. The entire text flows with a certain rhythmical cadence, reminiscent of many of the old epics; Hesiod has definitely had his influence here. With so many characters, events, and settings, it may sometimes seem a bit challenging (and tedious) to follow (and remember) what’s going on, (especially on a first read!) but that’s all part of the detailed tapestry that is The Silmarillion. Reading The Silmarillion gives invaluable insight to the scope of Tolkien’s creation, at which I can only marvel. It actually sent shivers down my spine to read about the origins of Minas Tirith and Minas Morgul.