I recently passed by it while in the library the other day and picked it up (recently being yesterday). I'm around page 70-somethign or so, but so far the novel seems to be moving in a right direction, however, there are a few things to note.
The main character is supposedly 54, and by the way he acts, thinks, and talks, you can't help but picture him as some young angsty 20-something year old, or at a least a thirty year old character. This isn't that big to the overall story, but it's just odd dealing with a character this unadult-like (awesome word, yeah?), who is supposedly past the 50-age mark.
The writing style is not bad per say, however, I've noticed it leans towards what I call Harry Potter writing. As in, very basic, very easy to follow, but some times annoying. Like Harry Potter, though, the imagination and idea behind this book kept me reading up to where I am now.
Unlike his dad, Hill gets to the point of the story from the beginning, so that's a nice change (yes, I did pick this up knowing who his dad was, and yes, I did compare them), from King's usual "let's talk about random bullshit for 50 or so pages and then get to the plot," style.
The characters--this is all personal taste though, so don't listen to this too much--are just a tad...stupid? There's the 54-year old teenage drama queen, the suckup guy who isn't too interesting, and the gothic girl. Again, I am not too far into this book just yet, so my opinions of them could, and most likely will, change.
I've been busy this weekend and have only been reading parts of this novel when I got the free time at work (no customers, whip it out and get a few pages in), but so far it is a very enjoyable, not too explicate story with a simple road to follow (again, there might be plot twists I'm not aware of, have to keep tossing that in), and the road it paves is one that is enjoyable to walk on.
From what I've read so far, I'd say he's nowhere near the talent of his father, but he does have the skill to keep you entertained. I wouldn't recommend buying it just yet, but hey, to each their own, I still say it's worth picking up.