That dedication is incredible, I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes!
I forgot all about "The Pearl". I read it 20+ years ago, and did not even remember that it was by Steinbeck. It's a simple story about simple people, but underneath it's about human nature and good/evil and pretty much the fundamentals of what and who we are. I'm going to have to check it out from the library and read it again.
I also loved "The Grapes of Wrath" and "East of Eden". Ever hear the Bruce Springsteen CD called "The Ghost of Tom Joad"? Read "The Grapes of Wrath" and then listen to's not cheerful, but it's true.
As for "East of Eden", I always liked the little rhyme that goes:
"Abra was ready when I called her name; I called another but Abra came".
I use that one on my cats all the time, for some weird reason. I call one and the other one comes, or (more often) they both ignore me.
I forgot all about "The Pearl". I read it 20+ years ago, and did not even remember that it was by Steinbeck. It's a simple story about simple people, but underneath it's about human nature and good/evil and pretty much the fundamentals of what and who we are. I'm going to have to check it out from the library and read it again.
I also loved "The Grapes of Wrath" and "East of Eden". Ever hear the Bruce Springsteen CD called "The Ghost of Tom Joad"? Read "The Grapes of Wrath" and then listen to's not cheerful, but it's true.
As for "East of Eden", I always liked the little rhyme that goes:
"Abra was ready when I called her name; I called another but Abra came".
I use that one on my cats all the time, for some weird reason. I call one and the other one comes, or (more often) they both ignore me.