New Member
Just worked out that I read this book when I was 23?
16 years ago.
I read his Belgariad then Gaurdians of the west when they were published, so 16 and 21 respectively.
The Belgariad was great, the Gaudians of the West was good, by the time Sparhawk arrived , prior to the Gaurdians of the west series being finished, I must have had enough of the Eddings style.
I think I finished The Elenium (the series with Sparhawk). Read Gelgarath the Sourcerer then I have not even bothered to look at what Eddings is working on or has released. I have just grown out of them I guess.
16 years ago.
I read his Belgariad then Gaurdians of the west when they were published, so 16 and 21 respectively.
The Belgariad was great, the Gaudians of the West was good, by the time Sparhawk arrived , prior to the Gaurdians of the west series being finished, I must have had enough of the Eddings style.
I think I finished The Elenium (the series with Sparhawk). Read Gelgarath the Sourcerer then I have not even bothered to look at what Eddings is working on or has released. I have just grown out of them I guess.