Class Reports
Ice, I agree it would be easier if everyone spoke a common language. I quite like speaking other languages though. Also, I've heared that equivalent words in different languages can mean slightly different things; and also that one word in Japanese could take a whole phrase to describe it's meaning in English.
Abulafia, Polish darts sounds cool. I'll have to try and learn it!
Mr. Michel, my surname is Portuguese (Mascarenhas), and my grandma can speak the language. Oh, I thought you were from Madrid. Nevermind... wrong again.
Mort, that's a good idea.
Sapper 41, me too. I want to learn Icelandic and Finnish but I haven't got any books/tapes yet. I don't know if any of you could recommend some good material for me.
Jenem, I'm half way as good as your German - I did it for 2 years at school. Mine's also pretty dusty - I was trying to think of phrases in German the other day but I just failed miserably. I'm embarrassed aswell that I can only speak English. Especially because lots of people in countries with their own language can speak it, along with their own language.
Freya, well done with your A. I got a C for my German. I was pretty disappointed because I was getting As and Bs mostly through the year. I wasn't all too bothered though. I agree with the 'layingabout time' aswell! Haha. I don't know about Backslang though. What words were in that? We might have had it.
Silly Wabbit, thanks for contributing.
Lies, yes I'm counting ancient languages. I also want to learn Latin. I forgot about that up there. Thanks for reminding me.
Rainbow Gurl, I agree. Also, there's a part in The Lord of the Rings (sorry to bring it up again Mr. Wabbit) where Frodo and Sam meet some Elves, and Frodo speaks Elvish to them and they're really impressed. I thought that was really nice. I'd like to be able to do that with some Finnish elves.
Soxfan, I have a similar kind of fantasy I suppose, but I'm not really planning on retiring. I'm sort of planning on working till I'm completely shagged out, then getting the old euthanasia drink out of the cupboard.
Martin, I was basically thinking of you when I conceived the idea for this thread. I'd noticed that you're from The Netherlands, and that your English is very good.
Themistocles, good work.
Kaz, are you completely deaf? I'm just wondering because you speak English aswell as sign it. Can you actually hear yourself speaking English? I hope that wasn't a silly question.
Novella, that play sounds cool.
Raven, I think I speak more American aswell actually. I'm trying to speak more English though, but I don't know how well I'm succeeding. I think my phase of listening to skate-rock (or whatever you call it) didn't help me too much.
Wow, ok... I feel like a teacher now, congratulating his pupils on their wonderful work. Very pompous. I won't do that again.