Those bargain bookshops are great. There are 4 now in Greenwich to go visit. Although they have gone up in price and charge £2

Still, when you can get the complete works of Shakespeare or a brand new novel for just £2 I'm certainly not complaining!
I don't really care where I get my books from. Each has it's own good/bad points. I don't think you can really say which is better.
I do think there are a few myths regarding Small independent bookshops.
I don't think it's true that they are run by people that love books. It's
business they run a bookshop to make money. While I concede there is a greater chance that they MIGHT actually like books themselves or know about books it's certainly not a given.
It's like saying a greengrocer opens a shop because he loves vegetables or a the owner of the shoe shop just loves shoes.
Also, I don't think it's a given that they necessarily know anything about books. Again, they might. But then again, they might not. Again, it's the assumption that they actually love books.
Isn't there JUST as much chance that the guy that works in the Barnes and Nobel loves books? That he likes books so decided to get a job in a bookshop?
And even if they doesn't know anything, who cares? I don't really care if anybody in Barnes and Nobel doesn't know anything about books. If I want information about books then I will look it up online, read about it, or find out for myself. The only question they could possibly answer for me is "do you stock *insert book name*?" I don't think I have ever asked anybody anything in a book shop apart from the above question, and that's only on very rare occasion when I have searched for ages and came up a blank after some hours.
Of course, you certainly can't beat the little stores for charm

I do have a soft spot for them, and especially for the small second hand bookshops!