Motokid said:If you're so concerned about the environment then why aren't you driving electric cars and heating with solar power? Why aren't you wearing hemp clothes and eating only what you grow, or hunt and kill yourselves?
Power mowers are sweet, and I love mine. Power..power..power.....
You just HAD to go there, didn't you?
Electric cars are expensive and not entire convenient. My personal preference though is to walk. A typical weekend walk, for fun, is about 9 miles, give or take a few. If I did not have to take my 3 year old out on the highway to get groceries I would walk there and back - being that it's not safe I do drive.
Solar power requires owning a home and I'm not in a position to own a home, but solar power is on my future home wish list. It might be worth noting though that I do not own or use air conditioning, I do not own or use a microwave, I do not use the dishwasher that came with my apartment, I do not use a hair dryer, curling iron, or any other electric grooming aids. When I've had room to hang laundry to dry I have done so - there's no where to do so right now so I use the dryers furnished in the laundry room. I keep my heat rather low in the winter - we wear sweaters and slippers to keep warm. I do not buy things simply to have the newest biggest best thing, but buy things that will last and that I will hold on to until they fail (you all can have your non-stick pans - I'm sticking to stainless steel).
If I had a yard to grow a garden in I would certainly do so and I would grow enogh to eat and some to can or freeze. Veggies fresh from the garden are the best. I can't grow my own but I can buy from local farmers. There are a few "pick your own" farms in the area as well.
I'm not into hemp. I'm going to stick with cotton.
I don't eat a lot of meat so hunting would be a waste of energy and time.
Caring for the enviroment doesn't mean a person has to be an extreme tree-hugger. And being practical and enjoying manual labor doesn't necessarily mean a person is an extreme enviromentalist.
I think I'll have me a nice cup of herbal tea now.