The Mythwriter
New Member
Wow... not a lot to add to these posts. Just my personnel recommendation, I did really enjoy the books for awhile, but eventually I started losing interest. I agree with what many have said here, it got drawn out over far too many books.
Of course, regarding controversy, interesting comparisons to Brown. I disagree in that I think Brown is far less talented, his writing bored me to tears after one book, at least these two took... eight? I lost count. And the reason I think fewer Christians and atheists alike get so riled about its claims is that it never pretends to be something other than fiction on the same level as historical fiction, again, unlike Brown. Not that you won't run into those who believe it is divine truth, but there's one in every crowd.
Naturally, you're either fine with Christian fiction, or you're not. And I can't even contribute to the discussion on the books' politics... I confess to that discussion being out of my league. You have my thoughts.
Of course, regarding controversy, interesting comparisons to Brown. I disagree in that I think Brown is far less talented, his writing bored me to tears after one book, at least these two took... eight? I lost count. And the reason I think fewer Christians and atheists alike get so riled about its claims is that it never pretends to be something other than fiction on the same level as historical fiction, again, unlike Brown. Not that you won't run into those who believe it is divine truth, but there's one in every crowd.
Naturally, you're either fine with Christian fiction, or you're not. And I can't even contribute to the discussion on the books' politics... I confess to that discussion being out of my league. You have my thoughts.