Hi guys!
Okay, this is it... we'll be meeting up soon.
Here are some of the things to keep in mind, and some ground rules so we all can play.
1. Take some deep breaths, and calm yourself. We're nice (well, Gem and I are, anyway). Doing somersaults may help too.
2. Make sure you follow the instructions here to get Skype, mic and speakers, and ensure that you are properly setup in Skype.
3. Go to skypecasts.skype.com, and search for the skypecast called "BookAndReader Forum Chitchat". Alternatively, try clicking here:
4. Click Join this Skypecast. You should be on the skypecast at this point. I never did get to try this option out, so I'm not sure if the whole thing will crash and burn. At any rate, you can always call me directly to let me know if you need more info. I don't know how Skype will handle me being in multiple calls, but there is always the first time in learning anything!
5. Knock yourself out chatting.
Always remember!
1. There is a chance that you may be connected to the Skypecast, but due to bandwidth constraints, you may not hear all of us clearly. Unfortunately, in this case, there is a possibility that you will drag the whole conversation to a standstill as it affects everyone as well. I may have to mute you in this case, but don't take it personally, there is a technical reason for that. YOu can still chat with us via the chat window.
2. If you can't talk for whatever reason (due to lack of bandwidth, bad mic, etc), you can always use the chat function.
3. You are always welcome to call another member directly if you just want to talk to another person. This is helpful if you want to badmouth another member who is already in the Skypecast, and you don't want that silly sod to know.
4. Always keep a browser (or browser tab) pointing to this thread. This is the lobby throughout the duration of the chat. In the event you can't get through to the call, and can't even chat, this is the place to post. Keep an eye out for posts here so that we are constantly in contact without Skype.
I'll post more as I think of something else to say.