Well i dont know about a list, but i could name a few
First off theres the third part in the adaptation of a small cult book, you may not of heard of it, its called Lord of the Rings
Then there's Master and Commander, based on one of Patrick O'Brien's seafaring novels, think Sharpe on water with Russell Crowe doing his Gladiator thing!
Mystic River, based on the thriller by Dennis Lehane
Big Bounce from crime novellest Elmore Leonard
The epic American Civil War period Cold Mountain, from Charles Frazier's novel
Theres another live action version of the Peter Pan tale by J.M. Barrie (lets hope its better than Hook!)
Big Fish, another slice of weirdness from Tim Burton based on Daniel Wallace's novel
Then there is the adaptation of genius comic book The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (or LXG as Hollywood insists on calling it!!

Michael Crichton's Timeline may finally get an airing sometime in the coming year, having been finished for ages but not released
Another John Grisham adaptation is coming, The Runaway Jury, starring John Cusack, Rachel Weisz, Gene Hackman and Dustin Hoffman, lets hope its better than most of the others!
Well, i think thats about it, sorry if i missed any!