Hey, I've been reading the fantasy genre for well over a decade. It now feels like I have run out of all the good stories.
I absolutly loved Wheel of time and Robin Hobbs trilogy of trilogies. Sword of truth and Reymond E feists book series (used to think a lot more of it befoe I read wheel of time and discovered its actually quite badly written) were "Ok". I've attempted to read (and failed) sword of shannara, and countless over books. I disliked A song of ice and fire, the writing didn't agree with me but the tv series is pretty awesome.
I read the hobbit and LoTR when I was 9, which brought me into the genre.
So can anyone recommend something for me to try?
. Someone recommended Pawn of prophecy by david eddings. is it any good?
*Sorry for typos, don't have my glasses on ^^.
I absolutly loved Wheel of time and Robin Hobbs trilogy of trilogies. Sword of truth and Reymond E feists book series (used to think a lot more of it befoe I read wheel of time and discovered its actually quite badly written) were "Ok". I've attempted to read (and failed) sword of shannara, and countless over books. I disliked A song of ice and fire, the writing didn't agree with me but the tv series is pretty awesome.
I read the hobbit and LoTR when I was 9, which brought me into the genre.
So can anyone recommend something for me to try?
*Sorry for typos, don't have my glasses on ^^.